Chapter 6: Personnel Policies
General Manager
The General Manager (GM) shall directly supervise the Administrative Staff Members and report personnel concerns to the Coordinating Committee when corrective action is taken. The GM shall train, supervise, and evaluate all administrative employees and the GM shall serve official notice to any permanent administrative employee that the GM decides to hire.
- Staff Organizational Review: An annual review shall be prepared by staff in late summer. This review shall include:
- A review of activities and programs in relation to the goals of the organization
- A review of how staff activity relates to goals, programs and activities
- A statistical review of all systems, based on Key Performance indicators
- An examination of systems, including job descriptions, work environment, etc.
- Review for Newly Hired Employees: For a newly hired administrative employee (except for the GM), the review procedure provides for a systematic observation by the employee’s supervisor with support of the GM of the employee’s adjustment to the job. The review will delineate expectations and evaluate the employee’s ability to meet these expectations. It will also provide an opportunity for the employee and the General Manager to review and improve various aspects of the position. The review will take place within the probationary period.
- Administrative Staff Contract: The board of directors shall at all times maintain a contractual agreement with the employees of the ICC. The agreement will apply to all employees and will be signed by the President and every employee.
- Staff Salaries
- The General Manager will submit an itemized budget for staff every year as part of the report on staffing. The GM should justify any increases in this budget. The Board of Directors may take issue with the overall size of the staff budget, the salary of the General Manager or the duties and necessity of any staff position, but it is not the Board’s role to determine individual staff salaries. This is the prerogative of the GM.
- The General Manager will have discretion over the distribution of bonus money, after consulting with the Finance Committee to see if funds can be spared. The Coordination Committee will have discretion to spend money up to 2% of the GM's salary, out of contingency funds, for bonuses to the GM. Each year, the Coordinating Committee shall vote on a bonus amount to be awarded to the GM after the Board of Directors approves the GM Evaluation Report before the end of the fiscal year.
- Sponsored Trips: Any ICC member or staff person whose attendance at a conference is sponsored in whole or in part by ICC funds must submit either a written or oral report to the Board of Directors, after attending.
Employees of the ICC shall be divided into three departments: Administrative, House Operations and Special Projects.
- Administrative Department: The Administrative Department shall include the General Manager and other full-time and part-time staff hired for administration, maintenance and other corporate functions. This department administers the daily business of the ICC, under policies established by the Board.
- Once a year the GM shall submit to the Coordinating Committee a staffing plan of permanent full and part time staffing positions that they feel are necessary for the efficient administration of ICC affairs. This plan will include a job description and salary for each staff position.
- Administrative employees shall attend any ICC committee meetings that fall into their province of activity and as specified in their job description.
- All temporary staff, work-study employees and intern positions shall be created by the GM in consultation with the appropriate committee. Permanent staff shall have input into the hiring of any temporary staff who will be working within their sphere of activity (i.e. working under them). The BoD shall review these positions within the context of its annual budget approval duties (temporary staffing should also be considered at the annual Fall Planning Retreat, as an adjunct to permanent staffing.
- House Operations: Houses may hire staff at their discretion for work within the house provided that:
- The house hiring the staff member shall be billed for all related costs, including but not restricted to salary, health insurance and other benefits, payroll taxes, etc.
- The contract may be negotiated by the house but shall be with the ICC and shall be reviewed by the GM for legality before signing by them for the corporation.
- The staff hired for the House Operations Department shall not be covered by the provisions of the Administrative Staff Contract of the Administrative Department, and
- Staff shall be evaluated by the house; the house may fire the employee only with the concurrence of the General Manager, who shall review the action for legal ramifications.
- Special Projects
- The Board may authorize committees or the Administrative staff to hire people to carry out special projects and activities. Such employees shall be supervised directly by the Board or by the staff member who hired them. In the absence of any specific provisions to the contrary, these employees shall work under the supervision of the General Manager and their salaries shall be paid from the administrative department.
- Hiring the General Manager: When the ICC receives notice that the General Manager intends to resign, or when the position becomes available, the Coordination Committee will call a meeting and ask all concerned staff and Board members to discuss chances to be made in the job description and to suggest criteria to be used in selecting a new employee. Following this meeting, a hiring committee will be set up by the Board. This committee should have representation of the staff, the Coordinating Committee and Board members. The committee will be responsible for setting up a timeline for hiring and advertising the position in appropriate places. The committee will screen the resumes and select (if possible) at least five candidates for interview. The hiring committee will also determine a process for interviewing the candidates. It is recommended that the top two or three candidates be interviewed by both the staff and the Board, separately. The input of the staff and the Board should then be presented to the hiring committee and will be factored into the hiring committee's recommendation to the Board as to who should be hired. The hiring committee may present more than one candidate. The final decision will be solely the responsibility and prerogative of the Board of Directors.
- Hiring Other Employees: When the General Manager receives notice that an employee intends to resign, or when the position becomes available, the General Manager will call a meeting with the appropriate staff and at least three Board members and/or other concerned members to discuss changes to be made in the job description and to suggest criteria to be used in selecting a new employee. From this group, a hiring committee will be formed. The General Manager will be responsible for setting up a timeline for hiring and for advertising the position in appropriate places. The hiring committee will screen the resumes and select (if possible) at least five candidates to interview. The hiring committee will meet before the interviewing process begins, in order to consense or set priorities in hiring, desired qualifications, and format for the interviews. The committee will interview the candidates and the hiring committee will make a recommendation to the General Manager as to who should be hired. The final decision will be solely the responsibility and prerogative of the General Manager.
- Administrative Staff: The GM supervises the administrative staff. Poor job performance shall be reported to GM by any concerned individual. The GM shall report poor performance to the Coordinating Committee. The GM will work with the employee to make improvements. If the employee does not make satisfactory improvement after a reasonable interval, the GM will consult with the Coordinating Committee and terminate employment giving proper notice. (See the Administrative Employee Contract).
- General Manager: The Coordinating Committee shall monitor the work of the GM, receiving complaints and suggestions for improvement. Unsatisfactory performance over time shall result in a recommendation from the Coordinating Committee to the Board for termination of the GM. Termination of the General Manager requires a vote by the Board of Directors as specified in the ICC General Manager Employment Contract.
Member Assistance Contribution
- Status as Employees: Members assigned to member assistance are not employees of the ICC but rather they are members fulfilling their house work commitment through service at the ICC level.
- Member Assistance Appointments: Administrative staff shall administer Member Assistance labor, but ultimate control rests with the Member Assistance Coordinator, who may change any aspect of the program. All positions must be openly advertised and any member may apply.
- Member Assistance Assessment: The ICC houses shall be assessed assistance credit time for ICC work at the rate of 1 hour per week for every 3 rooming members in the house during the Fall/Winter term, and 1 hour per week for every 4 rooming members in the house during the Spring/Summer term, rounding to the nearest hour. The total house assistance hours requirement for the term will be calculated by multiplying houses’ weekly house commitment by the number of weeks between week 3 of the term through the week before the contract term ends. In keeping with the spirit of proposal 17-90 which established the Committee Tithe, the Member Assistance Coordinator should make every reasonable effort to ensure that the appointment of house labor to the various decision making positions be done in a manner so that as many houses as possible are represented in these positions.
- Member Assistance for Committee Members: Coordinating Committee members shall count for 4 hours/week of Member Assistance labor towards their house. Other committee members may count for up to 4 hours/week of Member Assistance labor towards their house, as determined by the Coordinating Committee. This shall not apply to house Board Representatives.
- Reporting on House Labor: Member Assistance labor will be administered by the following procedure:
- All communication regarding Member Assistance labor will be sent to the following house officers:
- President(s)
- Work Manager
- Treasurer
- Interim Managers
- Two weeks before the contract period begins, and the first week of the contract period, a list will be sent to staff, the Board, House President and Work Managers including:
- Hours required from each house; and
- Positions open for Member Assistance labor with descriptions of positions available
- Hours required from each house are based on the number of signed contracts, and may change through a semester as members come or leave:
- The Member Assistance Coordinator may send out a new schedule from time to time
- A house may contact the Member Assistance Coordinator about a change in required hours.
- Houses will let the Member Assistance Coordinator know (email or phone) who is assigned to Member Assistance labor.
- Members assigned to Member Assistance labor will contact the Member Assistance Coordinator (email, phone or stop by) to arrange their job and hours before the third week of the contract term.
- Member assistants will begin work no later than the third week of the semester. Fines will be assigned for missed work beginning that week.
- Fines are per SR Chapter 5
- Fines will be added to house charges by the Director of Financial Services, and will be figured into assessments/rebates at closing time.
- Fines will be administered on an individual basis, unless the House chooses to share the fines across the House, starting the second month of the semester. The fine assessments to members have to be submitted within two weeks of the end of the calendar month in which the member missed work. The amount of fines assessed to a member cannot exceed the value of their shares held by the ICC.
- If a fine cannot be recovered from a member at the end of the contract period, the fine is assessed to the House and will be figured into assessments/rebates at closing time.
- Member Assistance is under the purview of the Member Assistance Coordinator. Supervisors are responsible for reporting their Member Assistants’ hours to the Member Assistance Coordinator. This will be done in whatever manner is most appropriate, decided by the Member Assistance Coordinator, and no later than the final Friday of the month. Hours that are not reported will be considered not worked.
- Supervisors will report monthly to house officers about how many hours were worked and/or missed by their assistants.
- Missed hours may be made up by arrangement with the person supervising the work or the Member Assistance Coordinator. Fines will be reduced when made-up hours are reported.
- All communication regarding Member Assistance labor will be sent to the following house officers:
- Fines: ICC members receiving housework credit for either member assistance or committee meetings, not including house presidents, may be fined [$X] per hour for failure to complete assigned work or attend committee meetings. Houses may be fined this same amount for any hours which are due to the ICC but are not assigned. The Member Assistance Coordinator shall be responsible for levying any such fines and the fines may be appealed to the Coordinating Committee. Houses may only appeal to the Board after losing at the Coordinating Committee level. Staff shall hire supplementary assistance as necessary to replace house labor hours not performed, and fines shall be levied as liquidated damages and put in an office labor fund.
Personnel Protections
Whistleblower Protection: The ICC abides by the Whistleblower’s Protection Act of the State of Michigan, Act 469 of 1980