Chapter 3: Baker Graduate, Escher, and King Apartment Contract Rules
Rule Precedence
Conflicts with other Standing Rules: Where this chapter contradicts other rules, it takes precedence over all other chapters.
Current Member Rooms
- In Baker, Escher, and King Houses, current members wishing to remain in their current rooms will have first rights to sign a contract for their room.
- The first day rooms become open to members who do not currently have a contract for those rooms will be communicated by the Housing Department to current members in a consistent manner outlined in the Operations Policy, to be reviewed and updated yearly by the Operations Committee.
Baker House
- Acceptance and Availability
- Current members: Baker House members wishing to remain in their current room will have first rights to their rooms. Baker House members who want to switch rooms, and other current ICC members who are graduate students, will have second rights to sign.
- New members: Waitlist for Baker House will form in January. Rooms for undergraduates or non-students will be available beginning May 1st. There is no waitlist for Baker for the spring/summer contract period.
Escher House
- Acceptance and Availability
- Current members: Escher House members wishing to remain in their current room will have first rights to their rooms. Escher House members who want to switch rooms, and other ICC members, will have second rights to sign.
- New members: Waitlist for Escher House will form when the ICC begins accepting applications from new members in January. Rooms will be available for non-Escher House members at the same time contract signing begins for new members.
King Apartment House
- Minors: Minors who are not college students shall be prohibited from living in ICC apartments. Emancipated minors shall not be prohibited from living in ICC apartments.
- Charges: The Board, as part of the budgeting process, shall set ICC charge percentage amounts for each apartment. The ICC shall choose the sum of ICC charges for the house such that the apartment rates are about the same percentage below market rate than Central Campus Fall/Winter doubles. Individual apartment charges will be determined by the apartment percentage times the total ICC Charges. The house will then add on house charges where appropriate.
- Waitlist: New members: Waitlist for King House will form in January of each year, on a first come, first serve basis.
- Contract Terms and Requirements
- Contract Periods: All apartment contracts shall run for twelve months.
- Right of First Refusal: Current ICC members residing in King House wishing to remain in their current apartment will have first rights to sign a contract for their current apartment.
- Maximum Tenure: No member shall be permitted to sign a contract for a particular apartment house for more than three consecutive years. Exceptions may be allowed by the Operations Committee when:
- Members may appeal if they are pursuing a degree. The exception shall not exceed the number of years the member is expected to finish their degree with a maximum of three years.
- Members may appeal for tenure extensions for other reasons not listed above by submitting relevant information/documentation that OpsCom requests.
- Members shall be allowed to sign a contract regardless of tenure if the waitlist was exhausted or has expired.
- These extensions may not exceed three years total.
- Apartment-Mates: Current residents may fill spaces in their multiple occupancy apartments as they wish, including subletting. Members seeking occupants may query the Housing Department for the house waitlist.
- Mid-Contract Vacancies within an Apartment
- Liability for Charges: All members shall sign a "joint and several clause" within the lease for their apartment, and hence each member shall be responsible for the ICC charges for the apartment if for any reason part of it should become vacant. The only exception to this is in the case of ICC charges in an expulsion.
- Filling the Vacancy: Mid-contract vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as all other vacancies.
- Subleases in Apartment Houses
- Definitions:
- Sub Lessor: a current member offering their apartment or spot in an apartment for sublease for a period of time no greater than four months.
- Sub Lessee: any person who occupies the apartment of a member of a house as a short-term member.
- Sub Lease: a short-term membership agreement that allows a sublessee to occupy an apartment in that house for a period of time no greater than four months.
- Acceptance and Sub-Lessor Responsibilities:
- Sub lessees shall sign subleases for the period of their occupancy, and pay charges, but the sub lessors shall remain primarily liable for the full charges on their leases, including any special assessments levied on the membership. The sub lessors' apartment deposits and member shares shall be left with the ICC until their original contracts expire.
- Subleases shall not be made for any period of time longer than four months.
- Sub lessors shall be responsible for any additional debts incurred by the sub lessees to the house as if the sub lessors had done the things or contracted the debts. However, the house shall make every reasonable effort to collect such sums from the sub lessees.
- The voting rights of the sub-lessor shall be suspended for the period of the sublease that the sub lessee pays the charges due. The sub lessor shall not be counted in the quorum necessary for a house action.
- If the sub lessee abandons the apartment or is expelled, then the sub lessor shall reassume voting rights from the date of the abandonment or expulsion.
- Sub-Lessee Rights and Responsibilities
- The sub lessee shall have all the rights and responsibilities of other members, including the right to hold office and vote on all motions.
- The sub lessee has no right to extend the sublease.
- The sub lessee shall be counted towards quorum necessary for a house action.
- Sub-Lessee Obligations: The sub lessee shall:
- Sign a short-term membership agreement and pay a short-term membership fee of $25.
- Pay all charges and assessments promptly and directly to the house treasurer.
- Shall deposit, if requested by a majority of the house, a charges pre-payment with the finance office, in an amount to be determined by a vote of the house, but not to exceed the amount of the sub-lessee's full charge liability for the duration of the sub-lease.
- Definitions:
Operations Management Committee Jurisdiction
- Interpretation: The Operations Committee has the power to judge the correct interpretation of Chapter 3 of the Standing Rules.
- OpsCom Policy: The Operations Management Committee may approve supplemental rules and policies as necessary.
- Appeal: All decisions made pursuant to this chapter of the Standing Rules may be appealed to the Operations Management Committee in writing within a month of the decision.